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September Clouds, Prospect Park
September Clouds, Prospect Park

2020 oil on linen 18 x 24 , Studio work based on an oil sketch done in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Available for sale in “Oil paintings for sale”

Basin Pond
Basin Pond

2018 oil on linen 30 x 40 Studio painting based on an oil sketch done in the White Mountains

Available for sale in “Oil paintings for Sale”

In the White Mountains
In the White Mountains

30 x 40 oil on linen, based on a watercolor sketch done at the summit of East Royce Mountain in Maine

Available for sale in “Oil paintings for Sale”

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Study of the Nethermead in Prospect Park
Study of the Nethermead in Prospect Park

2020 oil on panel 12 x 18 plein air study Sold

Autumn Tree Study 2019-1
Autumn Tree Study 2019-1

2019 oil on panel 9 x 12 Plein air study done in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Available for sale in “Oil paintings for sale”

Study of Trees
Study of Trees

2020 watercolor on paper 14 x 20 Monochrome study of trees in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Autumn Tree Study 2019-2
Autumn Tree Study 2019-2

2019 oil on linen on panel 9 x 12 Plein air study done in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Rocks and Surf at Achill Island, Co. Mayo, Ireland
Rocks and Surf at Achill Island, Co. Mayo, Ireland

2019 Oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air painting

Sea Cliffs at Horn Head, County Donegal
Sea Cliffs at Horn Head, County Donegal

2020 oil on panel 12 x 18, Studio painting based on a plain air sketch done in County Donegal, Ireland

Diamond Hill, Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland
Diamond Hill, Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland

2019 oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air painting

Afternoon in Glencolumbkille, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Afternoon in Glencolumbkille, Co. Donegal, Ireland

2019 oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air painting

Horn Head, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Horn Head, Co. Donegal, Ireland

2019 oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air painting

Low Tide at Glencolumbkille, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Low Tide at Glencolumbkille, Co. Donegal, Ireland

2019 oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air painting

Doogort East Bog, Achill, County Mayo, Ireland
Doogort East Bog, Achill, County Mayo, Ireland

2019 watercolor 8 x 14 plein air painting

Doolough Valley, Co. Mayo, Ireland
Doolough Valley, Co. Mayo, Ireland

2019 watercolor 9 x 14 plein air painting


2018 oil on linen 30 x 40 based on an oil sketch done in Knocknagorna, Athea, Co. Limerick

Hudson Valley Evening
Hudson Valley Evening

2018 oil on linen 20 x 30 based on a plein air study


2018 oil on linen 36 x 48, Studio painting based on a plain air sketch done in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Tree Study, Prospect Park
Tree Study, Prospect Park

2017 oil on panel 12 x 16 plein air Sold

Memory of Woods at Saltonstall
Memory of Woods at Saltonstall

2018 oil on panel 12 x 16 Sold

The Sky at Peter Schlicht's Farm 2017
The Sky at Peter Schlicht's Farm 2017

2017 oil on panel 12 x 16 plein air painting near Fabius, NY Sold

White Mountains Study, North of Cold River Camp
White Mountains Study, North of Cold River Camp

2017 oil on panel 12 x 16 plein air

Cabin in Maine
Cabin in Maine

2017 oil on panel 12 x 16 plein air, painted near Bridgton, ME

Near New Paltz, NY
Near New Paltz, NY

2017 oil on panel 9 x 12 Sold

Clouds & Trees, Prospect Park
Clouds & Trees, Prospect Park

2017 oil on panel 12 x 16 plein air Sold

Prospect Park Study, Clouds & Trees
Prospect Park Study, Clouds & Trees

2017 oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air

Winter Trees & Tennis House, Prospect Park
Winter Trees & Tennis House, Prospect Park

2017 oil on linen 20 x 24 Painted on site in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Fabius, New York
Fabius, New York

2015 oil on canvas 9 x 12  Sold

Thinking of Van Ruisdael in Prospect Park
Thinking of Van Ruisdael in Prospect Park

Oil on Linen 24 x 32 Sold

Winter Tree Study, Prospect Park
Winter Tree Study, Prospect Park

2015 oil on linen 9 x 12 - Sold

Tree & Tennis House, Prospect Park
Tree & Tennis House, Prospect Park

2015 oil on linen 8 x 10 Sold

Beaver Kill
Beaver Kill

2020 watercolor 13 1/2 x 19 1/2 Painted onsite in Mount Tremper, NY

Available for sale in “Watercolors for sale”

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September Clouds, Prospect Park
Basin Pond
In the White Mountains
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Study of the Nethermead in Prospect Park
Autumn Tree Study 2019-1
Study of Trees
Autumn Tree Study 2019-2
Rocks and Surf at Achill Island, Co. Mayo, Ireland
Sea Cliffs at Horn Head, County Donegal
Diamond Hill, Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland
Afternoon in Glencolumbkille, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Horn Head, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Low Tide at Glencolumbkille, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Doogort East Bog, Achill, County Mayo, Ireland
Doolough Valley, Co. Mayo, Ireland
Hudson Valley Evening
Tree Study, Prospect Park
Memory of Woods at Saltonstall
The Sky at Peter Schlicht's Farm 2017
White Mountains Study, North of Cold River Camp
Cabin in Maine
Near New Paltz, NY
Clouds & Trees, Prospect Park
Prospect Park Study, Clouds & Trees
Winter Trees & Tennis House, Prospect Park
Fabius, New York
Thinking of Van Ruisdael in Prospect Park
Winter Tree Study, Prospect Park
Tree & Tennis House, Prospect Park
Beaver Kill
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September Clouds, Prospect Park

2020 oil on linen 18 x 24 , Studio work based on an oil sketch done in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Available for sale in “Oil paintings for sale”

Basin Pond

2018 oil on linen 30 x 40 Studio painting based on an oil sketch done in the White Mountains

Available for sale in “Oil paintings for Sale”

In the White Mountains

30 x 40 oil on linen, based on a watercolor sketch done at the summit of East Royce Mountain in Maine

Available for sale in “Oil paintings for Sale”

Study of the Nethermead in Prospect Park

2020 oil on panel 12 x 18 plein air study Sold

Autumn Tree Study 2019-1

2019 oil on panel 9 x 12 Plein air study done in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Available for sale in “Oil paintings for sale”

Study of Trees

2020 watercolor on paper 14 x 20 Monochrome study of trees in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Autumn Tree Study 2019-2

2019 oil on linen on panel 9 x 12 Plein air study done in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Rocks and Surf at Achill Island, Co. Mayo, Ireland

2019 Oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air painting

Sea Cliffs at Horn Head, County Donegal

2020 oil on panel 12 x 18, Studio painting based on a plain air sketch done in County Donegal, Ireland

Diamond Hill, Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland

2019 oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air painting

Afternoon in Glencolumbkille, Co. Donegal, Ireland

2019 oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air painting

Horn Head, Co. Donegal, Ireland

2019 oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air painting

Low Tide at Glencolumbkille, Co. Donegal, Ireland

2019 oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air painting

Doogort East Bog, Achill, County Mayo, Ireland

2019 watercolor 8 x 14 plein air painting

Doolough Valley, Co. Mayo, Ireland

2019 watercolor 9 x 14 plein air painting


2018 oil on linen 30 x 40 based on an oil sketch done in Knocknagorna, Athea, Co. Limerick

Hudson Valley Evening

2018 oil on linen 20 x 30 based on a plein air study


2018 oil on linen 36 x 48, Studio painting based on a plain air sketch done in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Tree Study, Prospect Park

2017 oil on panel 12 x 16 plein air Sold

Memory of Woods at Saltonstall

2018 oil on panel 12 x 16 Sold

The Sky at Peter Schlicht's Farm 2017

2017 oil on panel 12 x 16 plein air painting near Fabius, NY Sold

White Mountains Study, North of Cold River Camp

2017 oil on panel 12 x 16 plein air

Cabin in Maine

2017 oil on panel 12 x 16 plein air, painted near Bridgton, ME

Near New Paltz, NY

2017 oil on panel 9 x 12 Sold

Clouds & Trees, Prospect Park

2017 oil on panel 12 x 16 plein air Sold

Prospect Park Study, Clouds & Trees

2017 oil on panel 9 x 12 plein air

Winter Trees & Tennis House, Prospect Park

2017 oil on linen 20 x 24 Painted on site in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Fabius, New York

2015 oil on canvas 9 x 12  Sold

Thinking of Van Ruisdael in Prospect Park

Oil on Linen 24 x 32 Sold

Winter Tree Study, Prospect Park

2015 oil on linen 9 x 12 - Sold

Tree & Tennis House, Prospect Park

2015 oil on linen 8 x 10 Sold

Beaver Kill

2020 watercolor 13 1/2 x 19 1/2 Painted onsite in Mount Tremper, NY

Available for sale in “Watercolors for sale”

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